This includes devotional tracts offered by the Church of the Lutheran Confession.

Messiah, Eau Claire Facebook Page
Featuring news, events, and regular devotional posts by Pastor Schaller

Redeemer Compilation
This email subscription will provide you with free short devotions in your email inbox daily. These devotions are written by a staff of CLC pastors and compiled by David Schaller.

Burden & Blessing
These podcasts cover a variety of topics, current events, and scriptural themes. This effort of CLC pastors will help you grow in your knowledge of God and the world from solid Biblical foundation.

The Witness
The Witness is an email newsletter for young Christians, especially those faced with the daily trials of life on a college campus or in other secular settings. As Christians who believe every word of Scripture is inspired by God, our views are often dismissed in favor of more contemporary, humanist thinking. It’s very easy to feel alone in our faith. The Witness seeks to fill that void by connecting like-minded Christians through social media.

Immanuel, Mankato’s “Twin Steeples Podcast”
Pastors Neal Radichel and Joe Naumann regularly publish audio devotions for your listening edification.

Immanuel Lutheran College (ILC) Chapels
Audio recordings of ILC Chapels are regularly uploaded to the ILC website at These 10-minute sermons are an excellent source for morning devotions. These chapels can also now be listened to via podcast through iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, or wherever you might listen to your podcasts. Search for “Morning Chapels from ILC” and subscribe to get daily comfort from God’s Word delivered straight to your phone.

Lutheran Spokesman
The Spokesman was first started in 1958 and is a monthly publication of the CLC covering a variety of studies, answering questions, and providing detailed stateside news as well as foreign mission updates. If you subscribe, it will be mailed directly to your home. You can also read specific articles online. The website is a helpful way to search for specific subjects or articles that you may want to learn more about.

Bread of Life
The daily devotions from the Lutheran Spokesman that can be delivered directly to your email address.

Ministry by Mail
Ministry by Mail is a weekly publication of the Church of the Lutheran Confession which offers the Gospel of Christ through printed sermons. The weekly sermons and an archive of sermons may also be accessed online at: and on Facebook. To receive the weekly sermons via email—contact the editor.

Sermons of Martin Luther A series of mp3 podcasts of the sermons of Dr. Martin Luther, read by Prof. Paul Naumann. Each sermon is a separate podcast, and they come from Lenker’s eight-volume edition, which is in the public domain.

Inspirational Music “Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.” – Dr. Martin Luther.
Selections are endless, but if you would like a place to start try the 1-hour collection of instrumental piano hymns found here:

Lutheran Quartet – see the collection of favorite hymns from The Lutheran Hymnal as sung by the “Lutheran Quartet” here: On-screen lyrics makes it easy to sing along!

E-Sword is a very useful Bible study tool.
Minute Meditations are audio devotions which “just take a minute” to listen to.